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Berners-Lee's compelling vision of a Semantic Web is hin... chicken-and-egg problem, which can be best solved by a b... method, creating enough structured data to motivate the ... applications. We believe that autonomously `Semantifying...
The Intelli

Intelligence in Wikipedia Project


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<a name="overview">Berners-Lee's compelling vision of a Semantic Web is hindered by a chicken-and-egg problem, which can be best solved by a bootstrapping method, creating enough structured data to motivate the development of applications. We believe that autonomously `Semantifying Wikipedia' is the best way to solve the problem. We choose Wikipedia as an initial data source, because it is comprehensive, not too large, high-quality, and contains enough manually-derived structure to bootstrap an autonomous, self-supervised process. Specifically, Wikipedia contains infoboxes, taxonomic data, multi-lingual correspondences, link structures, edit history, and other features which greatly simplify extraction. </a><p><a name="overview">The Intelligence in Wikipedia Project aims to accelerate the extraction of Wikipedia knowledge, e.g. with construction of infoboxes, and link the resulting schemata together to form a knowledge base of outstanding size. Not only will this `semantified Wikipedia' be an even more valuable resource for AI, but it will support Faceted browsing and simple forms of inference that may increase the recall of question-answering systems.</a></p>