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Touch interaction has become practically ubiquitous in d... and that has changed users' expectations and the way UX ... about human–computer interaction (HCI). Now, touch-fre... Natural Language Interaction (NLI) are bleeding into the... mainstream

New Design Practices for Touch-free Interactions | UX Magazine


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Touch interaction has become practically ubiquitous in developed markets, and that has changed users' expectations and the way UX practitioners think about human–computer interaction (HCI). Now, touch-free gestures and Natural Language Interaction (NLI) are bleeding into the computing mainstream the way touch did years ago. These will again disrupt UX, from the heuristics that guide us, to our design patterns and deliverables.


<div class="article-image"><img src="http://images.uxmag.com/preset_13/bp02_-_thumbnail-large.png" alt="" title="" class="imagecache imagecache-300x207 imagecache-default imagecache-300x207_default"></div> <p>Touch interaction has become practically ubiquitous in developed markets, and that has changed users' expectations and the way UX practitioners think about human&#x2013;computer interaction (HCI). Now, touch-free gestures and <em>Natural Language Interaction</em> (NLI) are bleeding into the computing mainstream the way touch did years ago. These will again disrupt UX, from the <a href="http://uxmag.com/articles/where-do-heuristics-come-from" target="_blank">heuristics</a> that guide us, to our <a href="http://uxdesign.smashingmagazine.com/2011/10/06/not-your-parents-mobile-phone-ux-design-guidelines-smartphones/" target="_blank">design patterns</a> and <a href="http://uxmag.com/search/results/deliverables" target="_blank">deliverables.</a></p>