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Connect. Share. Collaborate.
Elgg is free and open source software
It provides the components you need to start building yo ...
... r other developers to build clients or provide your own.

Elgg - Open Source Social Networking Engine.


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Connect. Share. Collaborate.

Elgg is free and open source software
It provides the components you need to start building your own social environment, including:

  • Powerful Data Model
    Elgg provides a powerful data model making the creation of different entities simple, yet flexible.
  • Activity Streams
    The granular activity stream API ensures your plugins can push the required content to your users.
  • Plugin API
    Use Elgg's powerful plugin API to build and add your required features.
  • User Management
    Elgg handles your user management and relationship requirements.
  • Access controls
    All objects in Elgg can have an access control level applied making granular access permissions possible.
  • Web Services API
    Expose functionality through the REST API by building a plugin and then either publish the API for other developers to build clients or provide your own.


<div id="top_left"><img class="display" src="images/screenshots.gif" alt="Screenshots" border="0"> </div><!-- // top left --> <div id="top_right"><!-- open top right --> <h1 class="header_color">Connect. Share. Collaborate.</h1> <p><span class="accent_color">Elgg is free and open source software</span> <br>It provides the components you need to start building your own social environment, including:</p> <ul class="features_left"> <li><span class="header_color">Powerful Data Model</span><br> Elgg provides a powerful data model making the creation of different entities simple, yet flexible. </li> <li><span class="header_color">Activity Streams</span><br> The granular activity stream API ensures your plugins can push the required content to your users. </li> <li><span class="header_color">Plugin API</span><br> Use Elgg's powerful plugin API to build and add your required features. </li> </ul> <ul class="features_right"> <li><span class="header_color">User Management</span><br> Elgg handles your user management and relationship requirements. </li> <li><span class="header_color">Access controls</span><br> All objects in Elgg can have an access control level applied making granular access permissions possible. </li> <li><span class="header_color">Web Services API</span><br> Expose functionality through the REST API by building a plugin and then either publish the API for other developers to build clients or provide your own. </li></ul></div>