Political scientists Ronald Inglehart of the University ...
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Political scientists Ronald Inglehart of the University of Michigan and Christian Welzel of Luephana University in Germany put forth their best effort by analyzing data and plotting countries on a "culture map." Their system stems from the World Values Survey (WVS), the largest "non-commercial, cross-national, time series investigation of human beliefs and values ever executed," which dates to 1981 and includes nearly 400,000 respondents from 100 countries.
The latest chart, published several years ago, includes data from surveys conducted from 1995 to 1999, 2000 to 2004, and 2005 to 2009.
Check it out:
Wikimedia Commons
So what's going on in this chart?
On the y-axis, traditional values emphasize the importance of religion, parent-child relationships, and authority, according to WVS. People who embrace these tend to reject divorce, abortion, euthanasia, and suicide. These societies usually exhibit high levels of nationalism and national pride, too. In the U.S., these values would likely align more with conservative ideologies. Oppositely, secular-rational values represent the other extreme and tend to relate to liberal ways of thinking.
On the x-axis, survival values revere economic and physical security and safety and are linked to low levels of trust and tolerance. On the other side, self-expression values give high priority to protecting the environment, promoting gender equality, and tolerating foreigners and gays and lesbians.
The chart also groups nearby countries with shared characteristics such as "Islamic" or "English Speaking," showing how much things like language and religion shape culture.
<p>Political scientists <a sl-processed="1" href="">Ronald Inglehart</a> of the University of Michigan and <a sl-processed="1" href="">Christian Welzel</a> of Luephana University in Germany put forth their best effort by analyzing data and plotting countries on a "culture map." Their system stems from the <a sl-processed="1" href="">World Values Survey</a> (WVS), the largest "non-commercial, cross-national, time series investigation of human beliefs and values ever executed," which dates to 1981 and includes nearly 400,000 respondents from 100 countries.</p> <p>The latest chart, published several years ago, includes data from surveys conducted from 1995 to 1999, 2000 to 2004, and 2005 to 2009.</p> <p>Check it out:</p> <p></p><div class="KonaFilter image-container"><div class="image"><img src="" alt="Inglehart World Values Map" border="0" width="800"><p class="source"><span>Wikimedia Commons</span></p></div><p></p></div><p></p> <p>So what's going on in this chart?</p> <p>On the y-axis, <strong>traditional values</strong> emphasize the importance of religion, parent-child relationships, and authority, according to <a sl-processed="1" href="On%20the%20y-axis,%20traditional%20values%20emphasize%20the%20importance%20of%20religion,%20parent-child%20relationships,%20and%20authority.%20%20%20%20People%20who%20embrace%20these%20tend%20to%20reject%20divorce,%20abortion,%20euthanasia,%20and%20suicide.%20These%20societies%20usually%20exhibit%20high%20levels%20of%20nationalism%20and%20national%20pride,%20too.%20In%20the%20U.S.,%20these%20values%20would%20likely%20align%20more%20with%20conservative%20ideologies.%20Oppositely,%20secular-rational%20values%20place%20less%20importance%20on%20these%20ideas,%20more%20readily%20accept%20the%20concepts%20listed%20above,%20and%20relate%20more%20to%20liberal%20ways%20of%20thinking.%20%20On%20the%20x-axis,%20survival%20values%20revere%20economic%20and%20physical%20security%20and%20safety,%20leading%20to%20low%20levels%20of%20trust%20and%20tolerance.%20On%20the%20other%20side,%20self-expression%20values%20give%20high%20priority%20to%20protecting%20the%20environment,%20tolerating%20foreigners%20and%20gays%20and%20lesbians,%20and%20promoting%20gender%20equality.%20%20The%20chart%20also%20groups%20nearby%20countries%20with%20shared%20characteristics%20such%20as%20"Islamic"%20or%20"English%20Speaking,"%20showing%20how%20much%20things%20like%20language%20and%20religion%20shape%20culture.">WVS</a>. People who embrace these tend to reject divorce, abortion, euthanasia, and suicide. These societies usually exhibit high levels of nationalism and national pride, too. In the U.S., these values would likely align more with conservative ideologies. Oppositely, <strong>secular-rational values</strong> represent the other extreme and tend to relate to liberal ways of thinking.</p> <p>On the x-axis, <strong>survival values</strong> revere economic and physical security and safety and are linked to low levels of trust and tolerance. On the other side, <strong>self-expression values</strong> give high priority to protecting the environment, promoting gender equality, and tolerating foreigners and gays and lesbians.</p> <p><span>The chart also groups nearby countries with shared characteristics such as "Islamic" or "English Speaking," showing how much things like language and religion shape culture.</span></p> |