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kids computer
Photo by Lucélia Ribeiro (Creative Commons)
The ‘Fall of Facebook’ seems an odd title given this ...

What will we learn from the fall of Facebook? | UCL Social Networking Sites & Social Science Research Project UCL UCL Social Networking Sites & Social Science Research Project


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kids computer

Photo by Lucélia Ribeiro (Creative Commons)

The ‘Fall of Facebook’ seems an odd title given this is a social media platform that continues to expand worldwide. Yet there is no doubt that we can and should be commenting on its demise at least for some. This month my focus has been on the sixth formers, that is 16-18 year olds at schools in The Glades, our UK fieldsite. For this group Facebook is not just falling, it is basically dead, finished, kaput, over. It is about the least cool thing you could be associated with on the planet. It has been replaced by a combination of four media, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsApp.


<div id="attachment_2769" class="wp-caption alignnone" style="width: 506px"><a href="http://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/social-networking/files/2013/11/kids-computer.jpeg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-2769" title="Photo by Luc&#xe9;lia Ribeiro (Creative Commons)" alt="kids computer" src="http://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/social-networking/files/2013/11/kids-computer-496x330.jpeg" height="330" width="496"></a><p class="wp-caption-text">Photo by Luc&#xe9;lia Ribeiro (Creative Commons)</p></div> <p>The &#x2018;Fall of Facebook&#x2019; seems an odd title given this is a social media platform that continues to expand worldwide. Yet there is no doubt that we can and should be commenting on its demise at least for some. This month my focus has been on the sixth formers, that is 16-18 year olds at schools in <a href="http://www.ucl.ac.uk/social-networking/fieldsite-profiles/united-kingdom">The Glades</a>, our UK fieldsite. For this group Facebook is not just falling, it is basically dead, finished, kaput, over. It is about the least cool thing you could be associated with on the planet. It has been replaced by a combination of four media, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsApp.</p>