
Snip!t from collection of Alan Dix

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In everyday life we encounter more and more carbon dioxi...
Convert between a CO2 amount to other units as cups of t ...
Compare between two different emissions, for instance ho ...
Use our API to convert CO2 to a more understandable numb ...
Our carbon

Carbon.to - Carbon so you can understand it



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In everyday life we encounter more and more carbon dioxide information. However, it's difficult to understand the magnitude of the numbers told. What does a kilogram of CO2 really mean?

Convert between a CO2 amount to other units as cups of tea or hours in flight.

Compare between two different emissions, for instance how many carrots are equivalent to a kilo of beef?

Use our API to convert CO2 to a more understandable number and use it on your own site.

Our carbon data comes from AMEE and from KTH research.. Some assumptions were made in this application and the data is mostly is localized to Sweden. The technologies behind the site includes HTML, Rails and jQuery.


<p>In everyday life we encounter more and more carbon dioxide information. However, it's difficult to understand the magnitude of the numbers told. What does a kilogram of CO2 really mean?</p> <p><b>Convert</b> between a CO2 amount to other units as cups of tea or hours in flight.</p> <p><b>Compare</b> between two different emissions, for instance how many carrots are equivalent to a kilo of beef?</p> <p>Use our <b>API</b> to convert CO2 to a more understandable number and use it on your own site.</p> <p>Our carbon data comes from <a href="http://amee.com" target="_blank">AMEE</a> and from <a href="http://www.kth.se" target="_blank">KTH research.</a>. Some assumptions were made in this application and the data is mostly is localized to Sweden. The technologies behind the site includes HTML, Rails and jQuery.</p>