
Snip!t from collection of Alan Dix

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Cards are like a digital equivalent to the traditional a... concept of marrying form and function — so that the wa... inseparable from what the thing is. "These are objects,"... feel, not necessarily real, but they feel virtual. They⮮. be fake thi

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Cards are like a digital equivalent to the traditional architectural concept of marrying form and function — so that the way a thing looks is inseparable from what the thing is. "These are objects," Duarte says, "They feel, not necessarily real, but they feel virtual. They’re not trying to be fake things, not … fake leather, fake wood, fake brushed aluminum."


Cards are like a digital equivalent to the traditional architectural concept of marrying form and function &#x2014; so that the way a thing <em>looks</em> is inseparable from what the thing <em>is</em>. "These are objects," Duarte says, "They feel, not necessarily real, but they feel virtual. They&#x2019;re not trying to be fake things, not &#x2026; fake leather, fake wood, fake brushed aluminum."