
Snip!t channels - Alan Dix

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2008-06-03 18:11:29     Zero Carbon House > Home


We have built a zero carbon house on Britain’s most no... Unst, which will bring obvious benefits to the environme... neutral home lowers the carbon footprint by producing it... storing it to heat the home. We also use this energy to...
We hope our

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/Channels/random links

2011-03-02 16:02:37     zeroclipboard - Project Hosting on Google Code


The Zero Clipboard library provides an easy way to copy ... clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie, and a Ja... interface. The "Zero" signifies that the library is invi... interface is left entirely up to you.
This library is fully compatible w

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/Channels/techie/web development

2012-01-13 13:15:17     zeroclipboard - Provides "Copy to Clipboard" functionality for your web site using JavaScript and Flash - Google Project Hosting


Provides "Copy to Clipboard" functionality for your web ...

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/Channels/techie/web development

2012-05-10 12:04:00     ZeroN system holds a ball wherever you place it, in mid-air


The ZeroN system was created by Jinha Lee, a Media Lab r... Above its open-air anti-gravity space sits an electromag... moved vertically and horizontally via a three-axis motor...
As the user reaches into the space with the ZeroN ball i ...
Along with

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2006-01-08 16:40:05     Zigbee Alliance -- Our Mission


The ZigBee Alliance is an association of companies worki...
to enable reliable, cost-effective, low-powe ...
monitoring and control products based on an ...

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2007-11-14 12:28:34     zLinks - Turbocharge your Links


The zLinks client-side service is an entry point to a va... additional rich data and link-related services . . . wai... the background until you need it.
zLinks is made available as either a blog or CMS plug-in ...

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2007-01-04 21:17:15     zombies


[6] The notion is that the population of China, equipped... radios plus a system of satellites for broadcasting info... once, could play the role of an artificial brain with th... input-output capacity as an ordinary human one. See Bloc...

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/Channels/cognition and art/brain-stuff

2009-01-17 20:48:15     Zotero: The Next-Generation Research Tool


Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] is a free, easy-to-use Firefox exte... collect, manage, and cite your research sources. It live... do your work — in the web browser itself.

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2013-01-07 19:20:22     zSpace - revolutionary virtual-holographic computing


zSpace is a revolutionary, immersive, interactive 3D env... computing, creating, communication and entertainment.

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2010-06-09 07:15:31     zxing - Project Hosting on Google Code


ZXing ("Zebra Crossing")¶
ZXing (pronounced "zebra crossing") is an open-source, m ...

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/Channels/HCI stuff/mobiles

2008-02-26 11:08:34     [..] Fernando Orellana [..]


click here for larger image
sleep waking
Fernando Orellana
Brendan Burns
... vestigate one of the possible human-robot relationships.

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/Channels/cognition and art/dreaming

2012-11-06 18:44:27     [1210.8144] Possible Bubbles of Spacetime Curvature in the South Pacific


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/Channels/just fun

2009-04-10 08:11:38     [httpRange-14] Resolved from Roy T. Fielding on 2005-06-19 (www-tag@w3.org from June 2005)


As everyone here knows, the TAG has spent a great deal o... the httpRange-14 issue, as described at http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/issues.html#httpRange-14 I am... that we came up with a reasonable compromise solution at... f2f meeting at MIT. <TAG type="R

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/Channels/techie/semantic web

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