
Snip!t channels - Alan Dix

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2008-06-26 14:02:19     Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger: Page 11


File types revisited
File typing has been a hot topic in Mac OS X ever since ...
The first problem with file name extensions as a means t ...

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2006-03-04 15:14:18     G. Polya, How to Solve It.


G. Polya, How to Solve It
Summary taken from G. Polya, "How to Solve It", 2nd
ed., Princeton University Press, 1957, ISBN 0-69 ...

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/Channels/cognition and art/creativity

2006-03-21 13:23:18     One in five Brits 'buy software from spam' | The Register


More than one in five British consumers (22 per cent) ha... software in response to spam email, a study by Forrester... The study - sponsored by the Business Software Alliance ... substantial minority of punters are quite happy to make ... purchases a

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2006-01-22 17:41:44     search: JXTA Search: Distributed Search Technology - Project JXTA


JXTA Search is a distributed search system, designed for... networks
and web sites.

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2006-01-09 23:28:37     StumbleUpon FAQ


How does StumbleUpon figure out what topic a website is ... automatically categorizes pages into over 500 different ... the words present on the pages. This system is approxima... effective, when it is not we rely on stumblers to correc... made by the

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2005-01-27 18:58:57    


Susan Leigh Star and James Griesemer, “Institutional E... ‘Translations,’ and Boundary Objects:Amateurs and Pr... Berkeley’s Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, 1907-1939,”... Science, 19: 387-420

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/Channels/cognition and art/postmodern

2006-01-22 17:54:59    


Project pepper

Peer-to-Peer Architectures for Federated Search of Complex Digital Libraries

The set of providers of Digital Libraries and services on the Web is growing both in absolute numbers and in terms of diversity. From a user poin...

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2006-10-17 10:00:48    


One Day in History
Make history with us on 17 October by taking part in the ...
'One Day in History' is a one off opportunity for you to ...

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/Channels/cognition and art/memories-for-life

2006-11-11 13:41:05    


blockquote { margin: 20px 0; padding: 0 20px 0 50px; bac... url('images/quote.png') 5% 0% no-repeat; border: none; }

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2006-12-27 08:48:15    


Character Sets
Some Basic Ones
... Baltic Alphabet (ISO)

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2008-03-06 12:08:55    


Thu 3 May 2007
What can we do with this story?
Posted by Dan under journalism , politics , participator ...
I have been (barely) using this blog to talk about thing ...
This movie shows some footage of the LAPD breaking up wh ...

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/Channels/cognition and art/political

2009-12-28 08:14:16    


The Scientific Method
Reading Assignment:
1. Bernard, Chapters 1 & 2.
2. Kuznar, Chapters 1-3.
... --Lawrence Kuznar, Reclaiming a Scientific Anthropology

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/Channels/research methods

2010-03-31 15:58:42    


STRATEGIES FOR WINNING ACCEPTANCE OF SECOND ORDER CYBERN... Umpleby Department of Management Science George Washingt... Washington, DC 20052 USA Guest Scholar, Summer 1991 Inst... Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence University of Vi... A-1010 Vien

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/Channels/cognition and art/ecological psychology

2010-12-11 00:38:15    


In case you missed it, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, a flagship APA journal, published a study by Daryl Bem containing evidence for psi (precognition). I didn't really want to post in too much detail about this study (wh...

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/Channels/cognition and art/consciousness
/Channels/research methods

2011-09-20 08:31:58    


This tutorial gives a broad view of modern approaches fo... machine learning and data mining methods on parallel/dis... platforms. Demand for scaling up machine learning is tas... some tasks it is driven by the enormous dataset sizes, f...
The tutoria

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/Channels/techie/collective intelligence

2011-10-23 10:06:19    


MathJax is an open source JavaScript display engine for ...
No more setup for readers. No more browser plugins. No m ...
... (Math rendered by MathJax)

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2011-11-12 13:26:05    


I have been collecting some random bits of advice that I...
Blackboard Technique
Publish the same results several times.
... Be prepared for old age.

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/Channels/research methods

2012-01-18 09:09:29    


Tommy Dewar projected film (advert!) onto NY skyscraper in 1898! (seen in Iain Banks, Raw Spirit, p.318)

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/Channels/cognition and art/digital light
/Channels/public displays

2012-04-04 10:43:03    


The OpenURL Framework Standard defines an architecture for creating OpenURL Framework Applications. An OpenURL Framework Application is a networked service environment, in which packages of information are transported over a network. These ...

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/Channels/techie/open data

2012-04-28 21:42:21    


adding images into QR Codes

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/Channels/HCI stuff/mobiles
/Channels/just fun

2012-12-17 11:48:41    


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2013-12-09 19:36:27    


mother knows everything

Sense Mother is at the head of a family of small connected sensors that blend into your daily life to make it serene, healthy and pleasurable.

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/Channels/HCI stuff/internet of things

2013-12-22 21:55:59    


John Elfreth Watkins, Jr What May Happen in the Next Hundred Years The Ladies' Home Journal, 1900 "Anyone unable to walk 10 miles in a stretch will be considered a weakling."

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2014-06-26 09:46:06    


Virtual reality has made exciting progress over the past several years. However, developing for VR still requires expensive, specialized hardware. Thinking about how to make VR accessible to more people, a group of VR enthusiasts at Google ...

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2014-06-28 09:14:40    


Recently, thanks to a Freedom of Information request, Chris Whong received and made public a complete dump of historical trip and fare logs from NYC taxis. It’s pretty incredible: there are over 20GB of uncompressed data comprising more t...

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/Channels/techie/open data

2014-08-16 11:11:52    


emberlight: turn any light into a smart-light

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2015-02-09 17:02:50    


How a Lone Hacker Shredded the Myth of Crowdsourcing

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/Channels/techie/collective intelligence
/Channels/techie/open data

2015-02-09 17:04:42    


Death to typewriters

... some of the technical (CSS, JavaScript, Closure) details in Medium’s typography and typesetting. Note: we use LESS, so you will see some light LESS features (mostly variables).

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2015-07-23 17:53:06    


In this essay, I want to offer a competing narrative to the popular but woefully misnamed “sharing economy” (which, of course, isn’t sharing, unless you tell your kids that buying and selling toys from other five year olds is “shari...

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/Channels/digital economy
/Channels/economy and politics

2015-08-07 21:27:11    


* Provides the ability to hook into any jQuery.fn[method]
* with onbeforeMETHOD, onMETHOD, and onafterMETHOD.

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