
Snip!t channels - Alan Dix

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2005-01-27 19:04:39     Library Trends: The Dynamics of Classification Systems as Boundary Objects for Cooperation in the Electronic Library - systems should work in tandem with users


I call these boundary objects, and they are a major met...
heterogeneous problems. Boundary objects are objects ...
enough to adapt to local needs and constraints of the ...
employing them, yet robust enough to maintain a commo ...
... 46-4

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/Channels/cognition and art/postmodern

2005-01-27 18:58:57    


Susan Leigh Star and James Griesemer, “Institutional E... ‘Translations,’ and Boundary Objects:Amateurs and Pr... Berkeley’s Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, 1907-1939,”... Science, 19: 387-420

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/Channels/cognition and art/postmodern

2005-01-27 18:33:34     Analogy Fest


rian Marick, Boundary Objects
An analytical concept from science studies: does it appl ...

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/Channels/cognition and art/postmodern

2005-01-27 18:28:50     Preparing for opening night: temporal boundary objects in textually-mediated professional practice


oundary objects 'have different meanings in different so... their structure is common enough to more than one world ... recognizable, a means of translation' (Star and Grieseme...

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/Channels/cognition and art/postmodern

2005-01-11 11:01:00     High Energy Magic Ltd.


These applications are not science fiction. The High Ene... Platform makes this kind of interaction possible today u... popular camera phones.
Intel Research and the University of Cambridge Computer ...

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2005-01-08 19:21:50     Building bridges


Research into collaborative document use often concentra... share document content. However, studies of real-world d... reveal that the structures by which document corpora are... also, themselves, be important sites of collaborative ac... Unfortunate

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2005-01-08 08:01:09     PHP Classes - Class: DOMIT XML parser


Name: DOMIT XML parser
Base name: domit
Description: A Document Object Model (DOM) compliant xml ...

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2005-01-07 12:28:07     PHP Classes - Class: PHP Scraper


Name: PHP Scraper
Base name: phpscraper
Description: Extract structured data from remote HTML pages

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2005-01-06 16:47:41     bluefish


luefish is a surveillance system which tracks the prese... devices, and their users.
Bluefish constantly scans for Bluetooth-enabled devices, ...
Over time, a profile is built for each discovered device ...

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2005-01-04 22:24:17     Safari hangs constantly: Applications Mac OS X: MacFixItForums


I fixed my problem by deleting the com.apple.Safari.plist, SafariConduit.bundle, SAFARI.ELM, and SAFARI.INF files, ... Library folder (after backing up my Bookmarks). Now Safa... hangs! Yay!

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2005-01-04 22:22:58     Google Web APIs - Download


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2005-01-04 22:22:20     Integration of Content Sources


in order to integrate a new ontology a great deal of man... by the personnel profoundly familiar with the GRACE form... to operate the specific editing tool is necessary. Based... experience, it is estimated that integration of a small ... containing

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2005-01-04 22:19:37     Usability News - Media: The Economist charts the Battle between Computers and Consumer Electronics


"Life in the vault" explains why Intel's new launch (two... chips, code-named Grantsdale and Alderwood) may actually... digital landscape.

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