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Channels > cognition and art

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2024-03-22 07:38:07     Why do we do things that are bad for us? The ancient philosophers had an answer | Well actually | The Guardian


In other fields, there’s an understanding of how common it is for our actions not to line up with internal goals. In economics, revealed preference theory says that what we value is better revealed by our behaviors than our judgements. ‮..

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/Channels/cognition and art/philosophy
/Channels/HCI stuff/emotion and fun

2024-02-29 04:27:50     How to improve your sense of direction - BBC Future


Some people can strike off on any journey with no guide except their 'pigeon senses'. How do they do it? And can this ability be learned?

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/Channels/cognition and art/space and place

2024-02-16 08:19:19     ‘By preserving the language, you reinforce communities’: a school saving one of Louisiana’s oldest dialects | Louisiana | The Guardian


[ From frame: about:srcdoc ]

Preserving Indian French, as community members call it, has taken on new urgency as climate-related hurricanes and coastal erosion threaten to displace the tribe

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/Channels/cognition and art/language

2024-02-10 13:31:40     Sketch of The Analytical Engine


the Analytical Engine weaves algebraical patterns just as the Jacquard-loom weaves flowers and leaves.

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/Channels/cognition and art/creativity

2024-02-10 07:41:22     Fighting the smartphone ‘invasion’: the French village that voted to ban scrolling in public | France | The Guardian


Seine-Port, in the Seine-et-Marne area south of Paris, with a population of fewer than 2,000 people, last weekend voted yes in a referendum to restrict smartphone use in public,

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/Channels/cognition and art/social and cultural
/Channels/digial media
/Channels/digital economy

2023-09-17 13:45:35     ‘I couldn’t believe the data’: how thinking in a foreign language improves decision-making | Language | The Guardian


Besides altering the quality of our memories, switching ... can influence people’s financial decision-making and t... moral dilemmas. By speaking a second language, we can ev... rational, more open-minded and better equipped to deal w...

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/Channels/cognition and art/language

2022-10-23 06:52:30     Eucatastrophe: Tolkien's word for the "anti-doomsday" - BBC Future


According to Tolkien, a eucatastrophe in a story often h... darkest moment. When all seems lost – when the enemy s... – a sudden "joyous turn" for the better can emerge.

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/Channels/cognition and art/slow and time
/Channels/just lovely
/Channels/theology and religion

2022-10-21 07:02:21     Millennials Are Actually Workaholics, According to Research


“in the 1950s, 12% of high-school students perceived t... important person’ – by the 1990s, 80% did.”

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/Channels/cognition and art/social and cultural

2022-07-04 07:02:29     Is your smartphone ruining your memory? A special report on the rise of ‘digital amnesia’ | Memory | The Guardian


‘I can’t remember anything’ is a common complaint ... it because we rely so heavily on our smartphones? And do... and distractions stop us forming new memories?

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/Channels/cognition and art/brain-stuff
/Channels/cognition and art/memories-for-life
/Channels/digial media

2022-07-04 07:02:29     Is your smartphone ruining your memory? A special report on the rise of ‘digital amnesia’ | Memory | The Guardian


‘I can’t remember anything’ is a common complaint ... it because we rely so heavily on our smartphones? And do... and distractions stop us forming new memories?

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/Channels/cognition and art/brain-stuff
/Channels/cognition and art/memories-for-life
/Channels/digial media

2022-06-17 06:34:20    


An algorithm apparently generates these light patterns. Be better if an artist had?

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/Channels/cognition and art/digital light

2022-06-13 06:38:34     Google engineer put on leave after saying AI chatbot has become sentient | Google | The Guardian


The engineer compiled a transcript of the conversations,... point he asks the AI system what it is afraid of.

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/Channels/cognition and art/consciousness

2022-01-09 13:53:29     What is consciousness like for other animals and when did it evolve? | New Scientist


Nieder thinks that consciousness probably emerged separa... occasions, in much the same way that wings appeared sepa... birds and bats.

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/Channels/cognition and art/consciousness

2017-07-15 09:27:18     Ravens Are Able To Plan For The Future As Well As Human Children Can | IFLScience


In a new set of experiments published in Science, howeve... found that the raven’s ability to plan ahead goes much... simply catching food.
The first experiment trained the birds to use a tool to ...

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/Channels/cognition and art/evolutionary psychology

2017-03-13 18:47:54     Brain has more than 100 times higher computational capacity than previously thought, say UCLA scientists | KurzweilAI


Illustration of neuron and dendrites. Dendrites receive ... stimulation (via synapses, not shown here) from neurons ... and propagate that stimulation to the neuron cell body (... sends electrochemical stimulation via an axon to communi...
Dendrites h

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/Channels/cognition and art/brain-stuff

2017-01-19 20:05:39     Humans aren’t the only great apes that can ‘read minds’ | Science | AAAS


For years, only humans were thought to have this key cog... attributing “false belief,” which is believed to und... empathy, teaching, and perhaps even language. But three ... apes—chimpanzees, bonobos, and orangutans—also know ... a false bel

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/Channels/cognition and art/consciousness

2017-01-15 10:10:30     Why time management is ruining our lives | Oliver Burkeman | Technology | The Guardian


The allure of the doctrine of time management is that, o... might finally be under control. Yet work in the modern e... for its limitlessness. And if the stream of incoming ema... Inbox Zero can never bring liberation: you’re still Si... boulder up

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/Channels/cognition and art/slow and time

2016-12-09 18:00:51     The Challenge of Consciousness | by Riccardo Manzotti | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books


Is it possible to put some order into our thoughts about... memory, perception, and the like? Hardly a day goes by w... in-depth article wondering whether computers can be cons... universe is some kind of simulation, whether mind is a u... human being

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/Channels/cognition and art/consciousness

2016-12-09 17:34:47     The #Election2016 Micro-Propaganda Machine – Medium


After finding evidence that much of the “fake” and h... traffic during 🇺🇸#Election2016 was arriving throug... hyperlinks, search engines, and “old school” sharing... email newsletters, RSS, and instant messaging, I thought... “big data

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/Channels/cognition and art/political
/Channels/digial media

2016-12-04 12:42:50     Jonathan Safran Foer: technology is diminishing us | Books | The Guardian


Have you found yourself checking email at dinner, or ski... screen, unable to focus? The closer the world gets to ou... more we stand to lose

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/Channels/cognition and art/slow and time

2016-12-04 12:39:44     Google's DeepMind AI gives robots the ability to dream - ExtremeTech


Rather than pointlessly rehearsing entire sections of th... little bearing on the player’s overall score, “dream... to highlight certain sections of the game that are espec... and repeat them ad nauseam until expertise is achieved. ... technique,

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/Channels/cognition and art/regret

2016-12-03 12:13:33     Incredible discovery of 40,000-year-old tools for art and engineering | Ars Technica UK


The question that has long raged among archaeologists is... first began using ochre as a tool for engineering or as ... making art. In other words, does symbolism start with sc... aesthetics? By examining 23 ochre-processing tools from ... researchers

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/Channels/cognition and art/evolutionary psychology

2016-11-03 12:10:23     A #NoDAPL Map – Northlandia


There was one other, better map of the project that I fo... partially inspired by–a relatively simple yet powerful...
Dakota Access Pipeline Indigenous Protest Map by Jordan ...
Maps like this are great, and there should be more of th ...
My Wisconsi

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/Channels/cognition and art/space and place
/Channels/maps and geography

2016-11-02 10:32:25     Human brain is predisposed to negative stereotypes, new study suggests | Science | The Guardian


rain responds more strongly to information about unfavou... groups, offering clues as to how prejudice emerges and s... shows

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/Channels/cognition and art/brain-stuff
/Channels/cognition and art/social and cultural
/Channels/HCI stuff/emotion and fun

2016-11-02 10:32:25     Human brain is predisposed to negative stereotypes, new study suggests | Science | The Guardian


rain responds more strongly to information about unfavou... groups, offering clues as to how prejudice emerges and s... shows

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/Channels/cognition and art/brain-stuff
/Channels/cognition and art/social and cultural
/Channels/HCI stuff/emotion and fun

2016-10-19 14:39:55     Foundation launches million-dollar plan to record Australia's songlines - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)


One to two Indigenous languages are being lost every yea... estimate if the trend continues only 50 Indigenous langu... by the year 2050

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/Channels/cognition and art/language
/Channels/cognition and art/space and place
/Channels/heritage and museums

2016-10-19 14:39:55     Foundation launches million-dollar plan to record Australia's songlines - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)


One to two Indigenous languages are being lost every yea... estimate if the trend continues only 50 Indigenous langu... by the year 2050

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/Channels/cognition and art/language
/Channels/cognition and art/space and place
/Channels/heritage and museums

2016-10-18 17:16:44     Transparency-controlled physical interfaces | Computer Graphics


Changing the Appearance of Physical Interfaces Through C...
David Lindlbauer1, Jörg Müller2, Marc Alexa1
1 TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany
2 Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University, Aar ...
... examples

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/Channels/cognition and art/digital light

2016-09-27 20:39:40     Is This The Most Scary Vacation Home In Australia


You would need a strong head for heights and nerves of s... live in this vacation home built on the side of a cliff ...

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/Channels/cognition and art/architecture
/Channels/just lovely

2016-09-27 10:23:19     The Revolutionary Concept of Standard Sizes Only Dates to the 1920s | Atlas Obscura


Despite their prevalence, building standards really only... the last century. A major turning point in their wild pr... in the 1920s, when the German government made the then-r... standardize the size of office paper.
This seemingly bureaucratic move i

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/Channels/cognition and art/architecture

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