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2022-09-29 13:33:49     SCHI Lab - OWidgets


Olfactory interactions and interfaces are extremely rele... of use and application contexts, from entertainment to r... supporting learning experiences to enhancing the creatio... experiences such as in virtual and augmented environments.

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2022-03-23 20:11:08     StoryKit: An Object-Based Media Toolkit - BBC R&D


We've taken object-based media to the next level by supp... creators with tools and workflows that enable real-world... responsive object-based experiences

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/Channels/digial media
/Channels/HCI stuff

2017-12-16 18:00:14     Can I Leave This One Out? The Effect of Dropping an Item From the SUSJUS


There are times when user experience practitioners might... System Usability Scale (SUS), but there is an item that ... in their context of measurement. For example, the first ... I would like to use this system frequently.” If the sy... one that wo

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2017-04-10 07:21:46     Inside Your Users’ Minds: The Cultural Probe · An A List Apart Article


By analyzing the results of your cultural probe, you can... of how users behave: what they love and hate, what motiv... what they do and why. Solutions based on this knowledge ... give users what they need, rather than what they say the... also help i

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2016-01-17 13:11:40     Notes on Human Computer Interaction – Jorge Cancela


This post is a collection of my notes on Human-Computer ... It is not intended to be a comprehensive guide or a syst... a collection of useful articles, links, videos, books, w... during the last years and that I have been using during ... I think the

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2016-01-01 11:46:29    


The first reaction of many people to uncertain math is to use the same techniques as for certain math. They would either imagine each unknown as an exact mean, or take ‘worst case’ and ‘best case’ scenarios and multiply each one. Th...

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2015-03-23 21:19:33     The big hole in HCI research | ACM Interactions


The first point I wish to make is that a lack of motor t... very worrying prospect for a scientific community. There... researchers should ask themselves whether CHI is or want... scientific conference. If not, then the reasonable quest...
My argument

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/Channels/HCI stuff
/Channels/research methods

2015-02-27 22:28:47     Results of the HCI-UX survey 2014


A while back (September 2014) I ran a very short 5-minut... at UX professionals to elicit thoughts on the links betw... that of academic HCI research.
The survey was framed in the following way: "This survey ...

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2015-02-24 20:02:01     Program | Courses | CHI2015


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/Channels/HCI stuff

2014-06-26 09:46:06    


Virtual reality has made exciting progress over the past several years. However, developing for VR still requires expensive, specialized hardware. Thinking about how to make VR accessible to more people, a group of VR enthusiasts at Google ...

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2014-06-20 13:42:24     Sharp's 'Free-Form Displays' with Ultra-Thin Bezels Make New Display Shapes Possible - Mac Rumors


Sharp today announced its upcoming "Free-Form Display" t... allow the company to nearly eliminate the traditional be... LCD displays. As a result, Sharp will be able to build L... any shape to conform to the display area of the intended...

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2014-05-03 19:02:40     Analysis of the CHI research community’s knowledge map - Community Imaging Group


Based on the results, we argued that:
As it stands, the only tradition in HCI is that of h ...
The accumulated knowledge in HCI is almost exclusive ...
By nature, HCI research is like nomads chasing water ...
Therefore, current HCI researc

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2014-02-19 07:51:20     Analysis of the CHI research community’s knowledge map - Community Imaging Group


Based on the results, we argued that:
As it stands, the only tradition in HCI is that of h ...
The accumulated knowledge in HCI is almost exclusive ...
By nature, HCI research is like nomads chasing water ...
Therefore, current HCI researc

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/Channels/HCI stuff
/Channels/research methods

2014-01-10 16:41:44     Why Americans Are the Weirdest People in the World - Pacific Standard: The Science of Society


Some of that research went back a generation. It was in ... instance, that researchers discovered that aspects of vi...
Muller Lyer Illusion Comparison 3
Researchers found that Americans perceive the line with ...
More recently psychologists had challe

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2013-12-13 18:54:16     Optical illusion: Shades of gray.


optical illusion Which lozenge is darker: The one on top... bottom?
Illustration by Dale Purves, used by permission
What’s the illusion, you ask? Those two vertical lozen ...

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2013-12-13 18:54:01     Optical illusion: The blue and the green.


Blue green spiral illusion
You see embedded spirals, right, of green, pinkish-orang ...

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2013-08-30 08:38:40     BBC News - Virtual reality: Lessons from the past for Oculus Rift


with excitement building for the release of a new VR hel... Rift - it is worth asking what went wrong the first time... lessons be learned?

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2013-03-14 07:07:59     Wanna Play? Computer Gamers Help Push Frontier Of Brain Research : NPR


Enlarge image
Daniel Berger, a researcher at MIT, traced these neurons ...
People can get pretty addicted to computer games. By som ...
Right now I'm at the novice level of a game called EyeWi ...

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/Channels/cognition and art/brain-stuff
/Channels/HCI stuff
/Channels/techie/collective intelligence

2013-03-09 16:44:50     BBC News - Star Trek 'holodeck' in the living room?


With "immersive media" taking content well beyond the TV... technology is attempting to move virtual reality towards... closer to real life.
Whether it be a cave, an igloo or a theatre, virtual rea ...
Full 360-degree screens are now capable of taking a

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2013-02-09 09:27:30     About | Dark Patterns - User Interfaces Designed to Trick People


DarkPatterns.org was set up by Harry Brignull. Dark Patt... interfaces that are intended to trick people. The purpos... to spread awareness, and to name and shame sites that us...

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/Channels/digital economy
/Channels/HCI stuff

2013-01-11 10:33:13     Disney's new augmented reality toys are promising, but frustrating | The Verge


Disney is launching augmented reality toys with a line o... in October; from there, it'll expand into other characte... then, it's keeping a tight wrap on images of what it's d... weren't allowed to take shots or video. We did learn tha... to Disney I

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2013-01-11 09:33:24     Camlistore


a way to store, sync, share, model and back up content
a work in progress
Open Source (Apache licensed)
an acronym for "Content-Addressable Multi-Layer Indexed ...
... neither "Cloud" nor "Local". happily both.

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/Channels/HCI stuff
/Channels/techie/web theory

2013-01-04 17:14:22     A Passenger Airplane Basically Flew Upside Down Because of a Dumb Pilot (Updated)


A Passenger Airplane Basically Flew Upside Down Because ... (Updated)Update: Thanks to Gizmodo reader, Randy, we hav... on how this happened. As you can see in that picture, th... the cockpit door lock switch are no more than 10cm apart... door (the s

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2012-11-07 09:17:44     'Pinch' connects multiple smartphones and tablets together to make a display | The Verge


Not content with synchronizing your phones to make one g... Researchers at the Tokyo University of Technology have d... an interface that lets you connect multiple devices toge... giant disjointed display. Although the technology behind... remains a m

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/Channels/HCI stuff
/Channels/public displays

2012-11-07 09:07:26     Oculus VR | Oculus Rift - The Virtual Reality Gaming Headset


The Oculus Rift headset is the cutting edge of virtual r... games. Be part of history by getting your own Oculus Rif...

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2012-09-28 19:04:30     Scrollbars Through the History - Imgur


Scrollbars Through the History

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2012-09-04 06:51:51     Sight on Vimeo


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/Channels/HCI stuff

2012-08-16 07:15:29     Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology | Video on TED.com


At TEDIndia, Pranav Mistry demos several tools that help... interact with the world of data -- including a deep look... device and a new, paradigm-shifting paper "laptop." In a... Mistry says he'll open-source the software behind SixthS... possibiliti

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2012-08-16 07:15:14     Beautiful short film shows a frightening future filled with Google Glass-like devices | VentureBeat


Here’s an amazing eight-minute-long short film we came... art school grads Daniel Lazo and Eran May-raz as a final... the short shows a not-too-unrealistic future wherein we ... with contact lens-like devices that connect us to the cl... from games

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/Channels/HCI stuff

2012-08-06 11:52:35     USC students building a working Holodeck | Crave - CNET


"Welcome to Project Holodeck, would you like to make my ...
(Credit: Project Holodeck)
Infiltrating the Borg or having dinner with Deanna Troi ...
Project Holodeck is exactly what it sounds like -- a ver ...

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/Channels/HCI stuff

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