
add a Snip!t bookmarklet

To add a Snip!t bookmarklet to your web browser, simply select your browser type from the list below and add the Snip!t link using the relevant instructions. You can add a Snip!t bookmarklet to all the browsers and machines you commonly use so that you can make snips anywhere smiley.

On most browsers (except IE in Windows!) you can simply drag the appropriate link to your browser toolbar. Because these links include JavaScript your browser may pop up a warning box.

Because of different browser capabilities, not all browsers support all Snip!t functionality. There are some very specific limitations, but the common ones are connected with HTML and frames support:

arrow supports HTML
This means that the formatting of your snip including images and links is preserved.
Some browsers do not support this and just plain text is snipped; that is you can select anything you like, but the images and formatting is lost in the snip.
arrow supports frames
This means that selections in framed sites can be snipped.
In browsers that do not support this, when you try to snip in a frame the URL gets captured, like an ordinary bookmark/favourite, but not the text you have selected.

Firefox Bookmarks Toolbar

Mozilla/Firefox (supports HTML snips and frames smiley )
bookmarklets: Snip!t (full window), Snip!t (popup - old version, depricated)
simply drag your chosen Snip!t link onto the Bookmark Bar at the top of your browser window
alternatively (if dragging links isn't enabled in your browser) ...
1. right click (Windows) or control-click (Mac) over your chosen Snip!t link
2. select "Bookmark This Link ..."
3. in the dialogue box select "Bookmarks Toolbar Folder" from the 'Create in' pull down
arrow after doing a snip there appears to be a bug that leaves large chunks of the screen highlighted. This is just a display bug in Mozilla but looks unsightly. Refreshing the page or doing back then forward clears it.

Netscape Personal Toolbar

Netscape 6+ (supports HTML snips and frames smiley)
bookmarklets: Snip!t (full window), Snip!t (popup - old version, depricated)
simply drag your chosen Snip!t link onto the Bookmark Bar at the top of your browser window
alternatively (if dragging links isn't enabled in your browser) life is a little more complicated than Firefox as you cannot put a link somewhere in one step ... so ...
1. right click (Windows) or control-click (Mac) over your chosen Snip!t link
2. select "Bookmark This Link" (this adds the Bookmark, but right at the end of your bookmarks)
3. select Bookmarks > Manage Bookmarks from the top menu and scroll to the end (see below)
4. select the Snip!t bookmark line and press 'Move ..." at the top of the Bookmark Manager box
5. you get a dialogue box listing all the folders
6. select the "Personal Toolbar Folder" at the top of the list.

Snip!t initially at end of list

Move it to the Personal Toolbar Folder

IE (Windows) Links

IE on Windows (supports ... not much, plain text no frames)
bookmarklets: Snip!t (full window), Snip!t (popup - old version, depricated)
apparently no drag and drop of links in IE Windows sad face
1. right click (Windows) over your chosen Snip!t link
2. select "Add to Favorites ..."
3. you get a warning box (as this is a javascript bookmarklet), choose "Yes" to continue
4. a dialogue box appears showing all your Favorites folders
5. select "Links"
arrow max snip length a few hundred words, longer snips get truncated sad face
arrow recent IE updates have broken bookmarklets even more - so sorry no HTML snips, and no frame support sad face

IE (windows) warning message
This is because the Snip!t link contains Javascript. You can examine the Javascript by choosing View > Source for this window.

Add Snip!t to Links folder in Favorites

Safari Bookmarks Bar

Safari 1.3 (supports frames, plain text only)
bookmarklets: Snip!t (popup), Snip!t (full window)
simply drag your chosen Snip!t link to the Bookmarks Bar
(no way apart from drag and drop)
arrow when Apple get their act together and support fully featured selections in Javascript like Mozilla, will do HTML snips for that too
Safari 1.2 (supports frames, plain text only)
bookmarklets: Snip!t (popup), Snip!t (full window)
simply drag your chosen Snip!t link to the Bookmarks Bar
(no way apart from drag and drop)

IE (Mac) Toolbar Favourites

NS4 & 5 Windows and IE 5.2 on Mac (supports frames, plain text only)
bookmarklets: Snip!t (popup), Snip!t (full window)
again ... simply drag your chosen Snip!t link to the Toolbar Favourites
(no way apart from drag and drop)
NS4 (and earlier) on Mac (not supported sad face )
early versions of Netscape didn't support Javascript in bookmarks, hence no Snip!t link

© hiraeth mixed media 2005